Hortensia Mecha López
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- Heath, S. (2005), Embedded Systems Design
- Ganssle, J., Noergaard, T., Eady, F., Edwards, L., Katz, D. J. (2008), Embedded hardware., know it all
- Zurawski, R. (2005), Embedded Systems Handbook
- Valvano, J. W. (2012), Embedded microcomputer systems: real time interfacing.
- Heath, S. (2005), Embedded Systems Design [Libro-e]
- Terés, L., Torroja, Y., Olcoz, S., Villar; E. (1998), VHDL: Lenguaje estándar de diseño electrónico;
- Marwedel, P. (2021), Embedded System Design [Libro-e]
- Noergaard, T. (2013), A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers
- Wolf, W. (2017), Computers as components : principles of embedded computing system design [Libro-e]
- Peckol, J. K. (2008), Embedded Systems: A Contemporary Design Tool
- Siewert, S. (2007), Real-Time Embedded Components and Systems
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