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Researchers Guide

Information for researchers and professors about our services and how to get the most out of the Library


At your disposal
  • 11,061 study seats, many of them with sockets for laptops or mobile devices
    • 1,487 seats on study rooms
    • 962 seats for researchers
  • 667 computers with internet access
  • 951 laptops for loan
  • scanners for document digitization
  • printers

Help us maintaining the library

To ensure everyone can use the facilities and equipment in the best possible conditions, the university library encourages you to follow some rules:

  • Respect our regulations
  • Avoid making noise or talking loudly except at study or research rooms
  • Keep the mobile in silent mode
  • Do not eat in the library except in designated spaces
  • Take care of the facilities and furniture
  • Use our resources with responsibility