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Researchers Guide

Information for researchers and professors about our services and how to get the most out of the Library

Researcher or PhD Student

Maximum number of items: 60
Loan: Yes
Inhouse loan: Yes
Interlibrary loan: Yes
Remote access: Yes

Loan duration

Loan periods

Standard loan: 60 days
Nonbook materials: 7 days
Laptops: hours or 7 days
Test: 3 days

The loan duration for each patron category is determined according to the characteristics of the bibliographic collection

During the official holiday periods (Christmas, Easter and summer vacations) there are special loan periods that are announced in advance

Overdue items

Penalties for overdue items

The library card will be blocked until the overdue documents or materials are returned. Loans, renewals or holds cannot be made during the blocking.

Once returned, an additional penalty will be applied for each overdue document or material. During this period you would not be able to make any loan, renewal or hold:

Standard loan  1 day penalty for each 2 days overdue
Nonbook materials  1 day penalty for each 2 days overdue 
Electronic devices  1 day penalty for each 1 hour or fraction overdue

Test 2 days penalty for each 1 day overdue

Loan, return, renewals and holds

Where can you make the loan and return?

To make loans and returns you can use:

  • Self-service devices, usually located in the reception areas of the libraries. In order to use these devices, you will need a library card or TUI-UCM card and not be sanctioned.
  • Circulation desks, where you will be attended by library staff.

For the return you can use:

  • self-service devices, where you do not need to present your university card,
  • in the return boxes of some libraries,
  • at the circulation desk.

Remember that the return of borrowed books can be done in any library of the University, it is not necessary that it is the library where the book belongs.


Can you make holds and renewals?

  • Bookings allow you to request a book in advance. You will be able to reserve the copies that are located in restricted access repositories and also material from the Open Access shelves. Frequently used books you will be able to reserve in case they are on loan.
  • Renewals: You can renew your loans as long as you are not sanctioned, you have not exceeded the number of renewals and there is no reservation on the copy.


More information at the Library Loan Guide