Mª Emilia Alonso García
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- Buchmann, J.A. (2004), Introduction to Cryptography
- Gómez-Pardo, J.L. (2013), Introduction to Cryptography with Maple
- Gómez-Pardo, J.L. (2013), Introduction to Cryptography with Maple [Libro-e]
- Koblitz, N. (1994), A course in Number Theory and Cryptography
- Koblitz, N. (1994), A course in Number Theory and Cryptography [Libro-e]
- Lidl, R., Gunter, P. (1997), Applied Abstract Algebra.
- Lidl, R., Gunter, P. (1997), Applied Abstract Algebra [Libro-e]
- Stinson D. R. (2002), Cryptography Theory and Practice
- Trappe W., Washington L. (2006), Cryptography with Coding Theory
- Smart, N. P. (2016), Cryptography made simple
- Smart, N. P. (2016), Cryptography made simple [Libro-e]
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