Carlos León Aznar
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- Schell, J. (2020), The art of game design: a book of lenses
- Gibson, J. (2015), Introduction to game design, prototyping, and development : from concept to playable game - with Unity and C#
- Kessin, Z. (2011), Programming HTML5 Applications
- Rettig, P. (2012). Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development
- Rettig, P. (2012). Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development [Libro-e]
- Schell, J. (2020), The art of game design: a book of lenses [Libro-e]
- Schell, J. (2020), The art of game design: a book of lenses
- Crockford, D. (2008). JavaScript: The Good Parts
- Shankar, A. R. (2012). Pro HTML5 Games [Libro-e]
- Leung, T. (2020), Infinite Jumper in Phaser 3 with Modern JavaScript [Libro-e]
- Leung, T. (2020), Infinite Runner in Phaser 3 with TypeScript [Libro-e]
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