Mª. de las Mercedes García Merayo
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- Biering, R., Brown, S.,Galván, E., Timoney, J. (2022), Essentials of Software Testing
- Hierons, R. M; Bowen, J. P., Harman, M. (2008), Formal Methods and Testing, An Outcome of the FORTEST Network [Libro-e]
- Myers, G. J., Sandler, C., Badgett, T. (2012), The Art of Software Testing [Libro-e]
- Utting, M. and Legeard, B. (2007), Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach
- Utting, M. and Legeard, B. (2007), Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach [Libro-e]
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