The rules for borrowing documents from Odilo Complutense e-Books are as follows:
Once the loan period of an e-book has ended, it will no longer be accessible from the devices on which you downloaded it. However, you can return it before the end of the loan period, thus allowing other interested persons to make use of it.
You will be able to return the documents you have borrowed in advance:
You will be able to renew the books you have borrowed from the "User area" space in E-books Odilo Complutense when there are 3 days left for their return, as long as other users have not reserved them.
If a book you are interested in is on loan, you can reserve it to read it when it becomes available.
You can reserve up to a maximum of 2 documents at the same time. When there are several reservations on the same title, the order of request will be followed.